Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 10, 2014

Here's What Most People Don't Understand About Cat Emotions .

Some people just don't like cats. That's okay. Some people don't like pizza. Or dogs. Or Harry Potter. But some cat-haters aren't satisfied with not owning cats themselves. They need to drag the rest of us down with them.

Feline Love Isn't Needy

Cat and DogShutterstock
Haters want you to believe cats don't really care about their people. Stromberg points to a series of studies by Daniel Mills at the University of London and other researchers that show cats don't look to humans for guidance in unfamiliar situations. Abandon your dog (or child) in a place it's never seen before, and it's likely to run to you on your return. Cats are more likely to explore the space on their own terms.
Compared to a stranger, the dogs become more disturbed when their owners leave, and interact with them more when they return. By contrast, Mills' cat experiments — which are still ongoing and haven't yet been published, but were featured in a BBC special last year—haven't come to the same conclusion. On the whole, the cats seem disinterested both when their owners depart and return.
Meanwhile, other experiments carried out by a pair of Japanese researchers have provided evidence for a fact already known to most cat owners: they can hear you calling their name, but just don't really care. As detailed in a study published last year, the researchers gathered 20 cats (one at a time) and played them recordings of three different people calling their name—two strangers, plus their owners.
Regardless of the order, the cats consistently reacted differently upon hearing their owner's voice (in terms of ear and head movement, as graded by independent raters who didn't know which voice belonged to the owner). However, none of them meowed or actually approached the speaker, as though they'd be interested in seeing the person.
Bradshaw says this interpretation draws too much out of limited study—research similar to work he has done himself. "It shows something about cats, but it doesn't show you that cats are not affectionate," he says.
Dogs have evolved to be "almost obsessively" dependent on humans, Bradshaw says. In unfamiliar situations, they look to their humans as sources of stability and guidance, much like small children. Cats, on the other hand, "prefer to deal with things in their own heads."
A creature that fails to run to your side in a strange situation does not necessarily have a cold, unfeeling heart. Some couples show up at parties and hold hands the entire time, talking mostly to one another. Others split up when they arrive, mingle, meet new people. But they still leave together when it ends. Your cat's a mingler—an explorer.

Your Cat Really Is Showing Affection

After wedging a seed of doubt into the emotional relationships between humans and their cats, the enemies of felinekind try to insert themselves into the physical expressions of human-feline love. Stromberg is no exception:
Many cats... will rub up against the leg of their owner (or another human) when the person enters a room. It's easy to construe this as a sign of affection. But many researchers interpret this as an attempt, by the cat, to spread his or her scent — as a way to mark territory.Observations of semi-feral cats show that they commonly rub up against trees or other objects in the exact same way, which allows them to deposit pheromone-containing secretions that naturally come out of their skin.
In other words, all the squirming and rubbing cats lavish on their owners are just the feline equivalent to a dog lifting its leg and peeing all over a fire hydrant.
Bradshaw says this notion is way off-base. "Superficially, [rubbing against humans] looks like scent marking," he says, but "the display that goes on when a cat raises its tail and rubs its sides against another cat, or a person, is a social action."
"Like all genuine affectionate relationships, [cat cuddling] is a two-way street."
Some researchers suggest the behavior has a its roots in the creation of a "clan scent" for packs of wild cats, but no one has published proof. What's important, Bradshaw says, is the interaction between creatures. The raised tail is a signal of good intent. When two cats know each other well they will rub their whole bodies against each other, including their sides, which have no scent glands. They often then lie down together and purr. Cats will do the same thing with their owners. Claiming this behavior is no deeper than a wild cat rubbing its face on tree bark is like saying that human handshakes are mostly about checking for secret weapons.
2013 study supposedly shows cats hate when humans pet them.
The research indeed found that cats pumped stress hormones into their bloodstreams when they were petted excessively. But Bradshaw points out that the research was conducted in Brazil, a country where house cats are far less common than small dogs. He thinks pet owners used to rough-and-tumble dogs might not prepared to handle cats in ways they enjoy. The cats grabbed and picked up for the study were reacting to a long history of unpleasant interactions, not simple human touch.
"Like all genuine affectionate relationships, [cat cuddling] is a two-way street," he says. "Dogs put up with harsher treatment. Yank on a choke chain, and the dog bounces back. Cats say goodbye."

Your Cat Is Too Clumsy To Threaten Wildlife

Perhaps the most damning charge against cats is that they are natural murderers who can disrupt local ecosystems. Stromberg pounced gleefully once again:
In the US, domestic cats are an invasive species—they originated in Asia. And research shows that, whenever they're let outside, cats' carnivorous activity has a devastating effect on wild bird and small mammal populations, even if the cats are well-fed.
So what's an environmentally-conscious cat lover to do? Bradshaw says not to worry. It turns out, as long as your cat wasn't born feral or on a farm, it's probably a clumsy hunter. Birds and rodents zip away from its plodding, obvious approach.
Bradshaw says cats learn to kill from their mothers. In the wild, a kitten follows its mom on many hunts in the first eight weeks of its life. She teaches the skills of sneaking up on prey and pouncing with lethal precision. But housecats born at home or to breeders miss that crucial step. Kittens instead spend their first eight weeks yowling at cotton balls and bits of string. Unless you trained your pet in the art of war before the end of its second month—a crucial period in its development—it's probably next to useless against live prey (even if it does sometimes get lucky).
"Obviously there's some deep ancestral memory of stalking prey," he says, "but a cat by itself is usually not a very good hunter."
Whenever local fauna succumb to feline hunting, he says, "it almost always turns out to be feral cats." Australian experiments with 24-hour cat curfews turned out to have minimal impacts. Still, the ASPCA suggests keeping cats indoors to prolong their lives, so it's probably a good idea. Also, spayed and neutered housecats will never birth feral kittens that could endanger wildlife.
If you really want to do right by the environment, Bradshaw says, cats are way better than dogs.

Okay, Your Cat May Give You A Parasite That Controls Your Thoughts

Toxoplasma gondiiKe Hu and John Murray.Toxoplasma gondii parasite.
Stromberg is wrong about cat love, but there's a chance he's right about horrible brain-controlling parasites in cat poop. Even Bradshaw can't defend your kitten now.
See, there's this parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. It enters the brains of prey animals like mice and alters their behavior to make them less afraid of predators. These bold, addled rodents ride their parasitic high all the way into your favorite pet's gnashing jaws, and some of those parasites make their way into your cat's litterbox. From there it's a short jump to a human owner's body.
Some reaserchers suspect that humans infected with T. gondii are susceptible to its nefarious mind control as well. Here's what Kathleen McCauliffe wrote about the parasite in her extensive coverage for the Atlantic:
The subjects who tested positive for the parasite had significantly delayed reaction times. [Parasite researcher Jaroslav] Flegr was especially surprised to learn, though, that the protozoan appeared to cause many sex-specific changes in personality. Compared with uninfected men, males who had the parasite were more introverted, suspicious, oblivious to other people's opinions of them, and inclined to disregard rules. Infected women, on the other hand, presented in exactly the opposite way: they were more outgoing, trusting, image-conscious, and rule-abiding than uninfected women.
Infected men were more likely to wear rumpled old clothes; infected women tended to be more meticulously attired, many showing up for the study in expensive, designer-brand clothing. Infected men tended to have fewer friends, while infected women tended to have more. And when it came to downing the mystery fluid, reports Flegr, "the infected males were much more hesitant than uninfected men. They wanted to know why they had to do it. Would it harm them?" In contrast, the infected women were the most trusting of all subjects. "They just did what they were told," he says.
Flegr goes on to note that even infected people may not be heavily impacted by the bug, and that cat poop is not the only way humans catch it. (In fact, it's incredibly common.) Not all researchers agree with Flegr's dire interpretations of the evidence, though T. gondii does turn dangerous when patients have damaged immune systems.
Ultimately, yes, your cat probably loves you, but that might just be the mind-controlling parasite talking.
This article originally appeared on Popular Science

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Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 10, 2014


What makes this an excellent résumé for an executive-level professional? Augustine outlines the following reasons:

1. It includes a link to her professional profile.

Regardless of whether you're new to the workforce, or in the C-Suite, you should always include a link to your professional profile or website.

2. The emphasis is on recent experience and accomplishments. 

"Susan's" current role has the longest description of her roles and responsibilities, says Augustine. "Although she has been at her most recent job for a relatively short amount of time, she still includes a healthy list of bulleted, quantifiable achievements. The further back in her history the reader goes, the less detailed the information gets." Recruiters and hiring managers are most interested in what you're doing now, not what you may have done seven or more years ago.

3. She included a "Selected Achievements" selection. 

While this is in no way mandatory on an executive résumé, it's a great way to quickly tell the reader about Susan's most relevant and noteworthy achievements without forcing the reader to hunt for them in her professional experience section, Augustine explains.

4. She restricted the amount of experience included on the résumé.

In this case, the job seeker restricted the amount of experience included to the last 15 years. "Any experience outside of this time frame is listed in a 'Prior Experience' section without a lot of details," says Augustine. "If you're running out of room and don't have the space for an entire 'Prior Experience' section, then you can simply place a 'Career Note' at the end of your professional experience section and mention the noteworthy titles and company names in a couple of lines." 

5. The first half provides a succinct, yet powerful snapshot of her career, core competencies, and notable achievements with well-known organizations.

This job seeker's role descriptions highlight her core responsibilities and prominently display her most notable achievements. "The additional information at the end of the résumé — Technology Skills, Professional Affiliations, Education, Licenses, and more — paints the picture of a finance executive with multiple areas of talent and performance expertise," Augustine notes.

6. She limited her résumé to two pages. 

TheLadders eye-tracking study found that the average recruiter spends six seconds reviewing a résumé before deciding if it's worth their time. "As a result, I highly recommend limiting yourself to two pages," says Augustine. 
When you have an extensive career history, it can seem daunting to stick to the two-page rule. "However, once you restrict yourself to outlining the most recent 15 years and really tailor the information to your current career goals, this should become an easier task."
This limitation will force you to more carefully evaluate each line of your résumé and determine what information is most relevant and compelling for your business case. "What information would a hiring manager care most about when considering you for an interview?" she asks.

7. References aren't listed or offered.

Cut "References available upon request" from your résumé. "Don't waste résumé real estate on this information," Augustine says. The employer knows they can ask you for references, should they need them.

8. The job seeker removed the dates associated with her undergraduate degree and certifications that fall outside the 15-year time frame. 

"While it's important to list these credentials, there's no need to highlight her age," Augustine says. "Her accomplishments should take the spotlight."

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Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 10, 2014

Why did i fall in love with you ?

I cried listening to this song and i missed you much . However , we are not meant to be at .
How can you see i'm still loving you.?

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 10, 2014

Succeed by eating the frog from an obscure Mark Twain quote

Luckily, you can practice self-regulation, even if it's not one of your best skills.
Mark Twain once said, "Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of day."
Author Brian Tracy took this to mean, do the thing you want to do the least, first, and the rest of your day will be easier.
It's a really good idea to deal with the things you hate first thing in the morning. This will make you more productive and will free the rest of the day up – without the dark cloud over your head for the rest of the day, week or month.
A great way to make this a habit is to give yourself a reward after completing the onerous task. Maybe you tie your morning coffee break to completing your worst task of the day; you don't get to stop for a cuppa until you're done. It can also help to identify the task the night before, so you don't waste time wondering what you should be doing.
Deal with the difficult things first, and you will not only be more productive, you'll be more successful, because you'll be easily surpassing those people who never eat their frogs or wait until the last possible minute.

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Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 10, 2014

New words from healthy report & social news

expose (V) = reveal
                  = experience
indecent exposure : the act of showing your sexual organs to people in [public so that it can make them.
embrassed or unpleasant : lộ hàng .
Ex : In our current life , more and more women are taking advantages of  their physical attraction to make money from advertisment . Furthermore , they even use indecent exposure methods to boost their fame.
expose oneself : it means that they show their sexual organs in public place to people they dont know.
laboratory mice : mice are used to experience in a room with scientific equipment : chuột bạch thí nghiệm
germ (N) ( usually plural): this is a small living thing like virus or bacteria growing that can cause disease : mầm bệnh .
Dirty unwashed hands can lead to potencial germs .
allergy (N) : the react of your body after having eaten certain foods or substances , which makes you sick or be worse is apperance of warts

Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 10, 2014

10 Grammar Mistakes Even Smart People Get Wrong

How well you use words can make a lasting impression on people. Wield those words skillfully and people may perceive you in any number of positive lights — as intelligent, poised, persuasive, funny, to name a few. But even one little grammatical slip can have the opposite effect.
It's topic that worries lots of people. "Inc." columnist Jeff Haden recently pointed out 30 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Bad, which readers shared more than 75,000 times on social networks. Here are 10 more to add to the list.

Irregardless and unthaw

These are not words. "Regardless" and "thaw" are sufficient and don't need any senseless prefixes mucking them up.

Bring and take

When using these words as commands think in terms of direction. People bring things toward you and take things away from you. Correct examples: "Please bring your report to my office;" and "Please take this report to the receptionist."

Alot and a lot

Fortunately spell check catches this one most of the time, but know this: If you're trying to say you have an abundance of something there should be a space in "a lot."

I, me, and myself

The question of how to refer to yourself along with other people is commonly misunderstood. Most people know to say the other person's name first when it happens at the beginning of the sentence; "Mark and I went to the meeting." But when this same phrase happens at the end of a sentence people get confused, often thinking the same usage of "I" is appropriate, which it isn't.
Instead, it should be "The CEO met with Mark and me." The easy way to remember this one is to imagine removing the other person's name. It would sound weird to say "The CEO met with I," right?
As for "myself," only use it if "me" or "I" would sound awkward in its place, such as "I kept the secret to myself." Saying "Mark and myself will attend the meeting" only makes a speaker look silly when a simple "I" would have sufficed.

Impact, affect, and effect

Using "impact" as a verb has become so ubiquitous I've pretty much given up on this one, but if you want to say things like "The cutbacks greatly impacted the bottom line" know that the grammar geeks of the world may cringe. Why? Because "affected" is what you really mean and once upon a time "impact" was used strictly as a noun. Maybe you've never mastered the difference between "affect" and "effect" and use "impact" just to be safe. If that's you, it's time to understand these words now. "Affect" is a verb that means to do something that causes an "effect," which is noun. Just think of the "a" in "affect" also is used in "action," which is what verbs do.

Loose and lose

The first one means your dog escaped his kennel, your change is clinking in your pocket, or your clothes are too big. "Lose" is what happened to you when you can't find your keys, you have to settle a bet, or were beat in a game.

Overuse of apostrophes

Apostrophes indicate one of two things: Possession or letters missing, as in "Sara's iPad" and "it's" for "it is" (second "i" missing). They don't belong on plurals. When you have more than one of something there's no need to add an apostrophe. Same thing with your last name. If you want to refer to your family but don't want to list everyone's first name write "The Johnsons" not "The Johnson's." Years also shouldn't have apostrophes. For example, "1980s" is correct but "1980's" is not.

Principle and principal

These words are easily confused. One definition for "principle" is "a moral rule or belief that helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your actions," according to As for "principal" think of the person who presides over a school — someone who's first in rank. Here's a trick for keeping the two straight: The "a" in principal is first in the alphabet, just like a principal is someone who's first in rank.

Lay and lie

Generally, if you can replace the word in question with some variant of "put" or "place," use "lay." If not, use "lie." So, it should be "I need to lie down" and "He laid his keys on the table." "Lying down" gets confusing when you're talking about doing it in the past, however. For example, it should be "Mark lay on the bed after coming home from work yesterday." Take heart, even Grammar Girl has a hard time with this one. Check out her advice for navigating this minefield.

Borrow and lend

Some people incorrectly use the word borrow instead of lend. It would be wrong to say "He borrowed me his car for the afternoon" or "Can you borrow me a dollar?" The correct way: "He lent me his car" or even "He loaned me his car," although be warned that some grammar snobs take issue with using loan as a verb.
Someone doesn't borrow something to someone, but from someone, as in "I borrowed her calculator." Likewise, lending is something only a giver does. Just remember, the person doing the giving lends and the person receiving something borrows it.

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30 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Bad

Easy to get wrong. And easy to get right.

While I like to think I know a little about business writing, I often fall into a few word traps. For example, "who" and "whom." I rarely use "whom" when I should. Even when spell check suggests "whom," I think it sounds pretentious. So I don't use it.
And I'm sure some people then think, "What a bozo."
And that's a problem, because just like that one misspelled word that gets a resumé tossed into the "nope" pile, using one wrong word can negatively impact your entire message.
Fair or unfair, it happens.
So let's make sure it doesn't:

Adverse and averse

Adverse means harmful or unfavorable; "Adverse market conditions caused the IPO to be poorly subscribed." Averse means dislike or opposition; "I was averse to paying $18 a share for a company that generates no revenue."
But you can feel free to have an aversion to adverse conditions.

Affect and effect

Verbs first. Affect means to influence; "Impatient investors affected our roll-out date." Effectmeans to accomplish something; "The board effected a sweeping policy change." How you use effect or affect can be tricky. For example, a board can affect changes by influencing them, or can effect changes by implementing them. Use effect if you're making it happen, and affect if you're having an impact on something someone else is trying to make happen.
As for nouns, effect is almost always correct; "Once he was fired he was given twenty minutes to gather his personal effects." Affect refers to emotional states so unless you're a psychologist, you're probably not using it.

Compliment and complement

Compliment is to say something nice. Complement is to add to, enhance, improve, complete, or bring close to perfection. So, I can compliment your staff and their service, but if you have no current openings you have a full complement of staff. And your new app may complement your website.
For which I may decide to compliment you.

Criteria and criterion

"We made the decision based on one overriding criteria," sounds pretty impressive but is wrong.
Remember: one criterion, two or more criteria. Although you could always use "reason" or "factors" and not worry about getting it wrong.

Discreet and discrete

Discreet means careful, cautious, showing good judgment; "We made discreet inquiries to determine whether the founder was interested in selling her company."
Discrete means individual, separate, or distinct; "We analyzed data from a number of discrete market segments to determine overall pricing levels." And if you get confused, remember you don't use "discreetion" to work through sensitive issues; you exercise discretion.

Elicit and illicit

Elicit means to draw out or coax. Think of elicit as the mildest form of extract or, even worse, extort. So if one lucky survey respondent will win a trip to the Bahamas, the prize is designed to elicit responses.
Illicit means illegal or unlawful. I suppose you could "illicit" a response at gunpoint... but best not.

Farther and further

Farther involves a physical distance; "Florida is farther from New York than Tennessee."Further involves a figurative distance; "We can take our business plan no further." So, as we say in the South, "I don't trust you any farther than I can throw you." Or, "I ain't gonna trust you no further."
(Seriously. I've uttered both of those sentences. More than once.)

Imply and infer

The speaker or writer implies. The listener or reader infers. Imply means to suggest, while infer means to deduce (whether correctly or not.) So, I might imply you're going to receive a raise. You might infer that a pay increase is imminent. (But not eminent unless the raise will be prominent and distinguished.)

Insure and ensure

This one's easy. Insure refers to insurance. Ensure means to make sure. So if you promise an order will ship on time, ensure it actually happens. Unless, of course, you plan to arrange for compensation if the package is damaged or lost--then feel free to insure away.

Number and amount

I goof these up all the time. Use number when you can count what you refer to; "The number of subscribers who opted out increased last month." Amount refers to a quantity of something you can't count; "The amount of alcohol consumed at our last company picnic was staggering."
Of course it can still be confusing: "I can't believe the number of beers I drank," is correct, but so is, "I can't believe the amount of beer I drank." The difference is I can count beers, but beer, especially if I was way too drunk to keep track, is an uncountable total--so amount is the correct usage.

Precede and proceed

Precede means to come before. Proceed means to begin or continue. Where it gets confusing is when an "ing" comes into play. "The proceeding announcement was brought to you by..." sounds fine, but "preceding" is correct since the announcement came before.
If it helps, think precedence: Anything that takes precedence is more important and therefore comes first.

Principal and principle

principle is a fundamental; "We've created a culture where we all share certain principles."Principal means primary or of first importance; "Our startup's principal is located in NYC." (Sometimes you'll also see the plural, "principals," used to refer to executives or (relatively) co-equals at the top of a particular food chain.)
Principal can also refer to the most important item in a particular set; "Our principal account makes up 60 percent of our gross revenues."
Principal can also refer to money, normally the original sum that was borrowed, but can be extended to refer to the amount you owe--hence principal and interest.
If you're referring to laws, rules, guidelines, ethics, etc, use principle. If you're referring to the CEO or the president (or the individual in charge of the high school), use principal. And now for those dreaded apostrophes:

It's and its

It's is the contraction of it is. That means it's doesn't own anything. If your dog is neutered (that way we make the dog, however much against his will, gender neutral) you don't say, "It's collar is blue." You say, "Its collar is blue." Here's an easy test to apply. Whenever you use an apostrophe, un-contract the word to see how it sounds. In this case, turn it's into it is. "It's sunny," becomes, "It is sunny." Sounds good to me.

They're and their

Same with these; they're is the contraction for they are. Again, the apostrophe doesn't own anything. We're going to their house, and I sure hope they're home.

Who's and whose

"Whose password hasn't been changed in six months?" is correct. "Who is (the un-contracted version of who's) password hasn't been changed in six months?" sounds silly.

You're and your

One more. You're is the contraction for you areYour means you own it; the apostrophe inyou're doesn't own anything. For a long time a local non-profit had a huge sign that said "You're Community Place."

Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 10, 2014

Tôi muốn con tôi sau này đi chăn bò

Tôi nhớ cách đây gần mười năm, trong một bữa tiệc họp mặt đầu xuân, khi mọi người ai cũng bày tỏ nguyện vọng con mình sau này sẽ trở thành kỹ sư, bác sĩ hay ông này ông kia thì ông bác ruột tôi lại phán một câu xanh rờn làm mọi người chưng hửng:

- Tôi chỉ muốn con tôi sau này sẽ đi chăn bò!

Mọi cặp mắt đều đổ dồn vào bác tôi. Sau khi nhấp một ngụm trà, bác tôi thong thả nói tiếp:

- Một xã hội mà toàn những người chỉ muốn làm thầy thì lấy ai làm thợ. Cứ đà này rồi thì năm mười năm nữa xã hội lại lạm phát cử nhân với thạc sĩ, tiến sĩ, tốn tiền cho ăn học rồi lại vắt giò lên cổ tốn hàng đống tiền để chạy xin việc. Có việc rồi thì lại ngày đêm nơm nớp lo sợ bị đuổi việc vì người xin việc quá đông. Thôi thì cứ cho nó đi chăn bò cho chắc ăn!

Tưởng bác tôi chỉ nói chơi cho vui nhân ngày đầu năm, ai dè bác lại làm thiệt. Sau khi ông anh họ tôi tốt nghiệp phổ thông trung học, ông bác tôi không cho thi đại học mà gửi anh theo học một lớp đào tạo dài hạn do một trung tâm khuyến nông tổ chức.

Ngày anh hoàn tất khóa học cũng là ngày ông bác tôi mua đất và cất lên một trang trại. Chăn bò bây giờ dĩ nhiên khác nhiều so với ngày xưa.

Phải có một vốn kiến thức căn bản về chăn nuôi cũng như về các thành tựu mới nhất của khoa học kỹ thuật. Với hơn 100 con bò và mấy chục con dê, mỗi năm ông anh họ tôi dễ dàng bỏ túi năm bảy trăm triệu và sống khá nhàn nhã.

Nhìn ông anh họ tôi đi ra đường chạy xe hơi đời mới, quần áo lịch sự thì ai biết là chăn bò. Cứ mỗi lần có người quen hỏi thăm làm nghề gì, ông anh họ tôi đứng thẳng người, ngực ưỡn ra:

- Tôi chỉ là một cowboy!

Đó là câu chuyện về ông bác ruột và ông anh họ của tôi. Mới đầu nghe có vẻ hơi tưng tửng điên điên, nhưng đó lại là sự thật về những con người có đầu óc thức thời với một tư duy nhạy bén.

Suy cho cùng tôi thấy bao nhiêu năm qua chúng ta đã quá hám danh vọng khi hướng cho con một con đường nghề nghiệp cho tương lai, đôi lúc dẫn đến mù quáng.

Ngày còn đi học, tôi có một anh bạn học rất dốt nhưng luôn bị ông bố bắt ép phải thi vào trường y. Lý do đơn giản là ông bố muốn con mình sau này phải trở thành bác sĩ để ông nở mặt nở mày với thiên hạ.

Nhưng sau ba lần thi vào trường y mà vẫn rớt,trước sức ép quá lớn của bố, anh đã mấy lần tính tới chuyện tự tử. May mà gia đình phát hiện sớm nên mời chuyên gia tâm lý tới giải tỏa sức ép cho anh.

Sau đó anh xin vào học ở một trường trung cấp xây dựng và trở thành một thầu khoán xây dựng. Thời gian bất động sản nóng sốt, anh kiếm được khá nhiều tiền và thành một đại gia. Mỗi lần gặp tôi, anh lại mỉm cười:

- Cứ theo lời ông già đi làm bác sĩ thì chưa chắc đã có nhiều tiền như hôm nay!

Nhiều lúc ngồi suy nghĩ lại những gì mà ông bác mình đã nói gần mười năm trước, tôi thấy có vẻ đúng. Thời buổi bây giờ hình như đang lạm phát cử nhân, thạc sĩ, tiến sĩ... với cái lối đào tạo không theo một quy hoạch nào cả.

Cách đây vài tháng khi vừa xây xong ngôi nhà cho mình, tôi mới tình cờ phát hiện thì ra hai cậu phụ hồ ở nhà tôi chính là hai cử nhân ra trường đã ba năm nay nhưng vẫn chưa kiếm được việc làm.

Mấy ngày sau tôi lại biết thêm cô gái hằng ngày vẫn bưng phở ở quán phở đầu đường nhà tôi cũng đã có bằng thạc sĩ mấy năm nay.

Cách đây một năm, tôi xem trên tivi thấy có một anh chàng chạy xe đạp khắp thành phố, phía trước ngực có một tấm bảng to tướng ghi tốt nghiệp tới ba trường đại học gì đó nhưng mấy năm nay vẫn chưa xin được việc làm.

Tôi có một người bạn cho con đi du học ở Singapore bốn năm hết mấy tỉ bạc, tìm việc mãi không được nên đành về nhà mở tiệm bán ổ khóa sống qua ngày...

Trên báo Tuổi Trẻ cách đây ít lâu, tôi đã nghiền ngẫm rất kỹ loạt phóng sự “Tốt nghiệp rồi thất nghiệp”. Những câu chuyện về các thạc sĩ phải đi chăn vịt, chăn trâu hay cử nhân phải đi bán nước mía bây giờ không còn là chuyện lạ. Vậy nguyên nhân nào gây nên một cuộc khủng hoảng thừa cử nhân, thạc sĩ, tiến sĩ như hiện nay?

Theo ý kiến của tôi, một trong những nguyên nhân sâu xa là những bậc phụ huynh đã quá hám danh trong khi một nghĩa vụ căn bản của những người làm cha làm mẹ là phải tìm ra cho con mình một nghề lương thiện và căn bản.

Mang nặng tư tưởng một người làm quan cả họ được nhờ và cũng để nở mày nở mặt với bà con dòng họ nên những bậc phụ huynh thường hay ép con em mình phải cố gắng thi đậu vào các trường đại học.

Các trường dạy nghề chỉ là giải pháp cuối cùng khi con em họ đã tung cờ trắng chào thua con đường vào đại học. Hậu quả là thầy nhiều mà thợ ít nên xã hội phải trả giá một sự lãng phí khủng khiếp khi người ta tốn không biết bao nhiêu tiền để đào tạo những trí thức nhưng cuối cùng không thể sử dụng được.

Sự hám danh của chúng ta ở khâu đào tạo con người còn có thể gây ra những hậu quả khôn lường. Vì ai cũng muốn con mình phải tốt nghiệp đại học nên những trường đại học tư, đại học dân lập mọc ra nhan nhản như nấm sau cơn mưa.

Một hậu quả nhãn tiền mà ai cũng nhìn thấy là chất lượng đào tạo của hệ thống đại học nước ta đã xuống cấp một cách nghiêm trọng.

Các trường đại học ào ạt tuyển sinh cho đủ chỉ tiêu rồi sau đó cấp bằng tốt nghiệp cho các sinh viên một cách vô tội vạ để thu tiền. Người ta không thể tưởng tượng rằng nhiều nơi cơ sở vật chất của một trường đại học chỉ là một căn nhà cấp 4 dột nát ọp ẹp và miễn bàn đến chất lượng đào tạo.

Sinh viên ra trường với tấm bằng đại học trên tay tốn biết bao nhiêu tiền của cha mẹ nhưng không biết phải sống bằng cách nào vì đi xin việc ở đâu cũng bị từ chối.

Cuối cùng theo tôi nghĩ, sự hám danh trong cách chọn nghề nghiệp cho con em chúng ta có thể cũng là một trong những nguyên nhân sâu xa cho quốc nạn hiện nay: nạn chạy chức chạy quyền và tệ tham nhũng.

Khi xã hội đã quá dư thừa những ứng cử viên công chức thì muốn có được việc làm người ta phải chạy và phải mất những khoản tiền hối lộ lớn.

Một thực tế không thể chối cãi là muốn xin được việc cho con em mình ở những “nơi tốt”, người ta có thể sẽ phải chi ra vài trăm triệu đồng là chuyện bình thường.

Khi đã ngồi được vào một chiếc ghế hay có một chức danh gì đó thì việc đầu tiên người ta nghĩ đến là phải bằng mọi cách lấy lại số tiền đã đút lót.

Và thế là nạn tham nhũng bắt đầu manh mún và hình thành, tầng tầng lớp lớp từ dưới lên trên và cuộc chiến chống tham nhũng cứ vẫn phải tiếp diễn không biết bao giờ mới chấm dứt...

Tôi có một con trai đang học lớp 12, năm nay chưa biết sẽ thi vào trường nào. Trong tình hình xã hội tương lai sẽ thừa mứa nhân lực theo cái kiểu “đầu đường tiến sĩ vá xe, cuối đường thạc sĩ bán chè đỗ đen” thì có lẽ tôi lại phải bắt chước ông bác ruột của mình: “Tôi chỉ muốn con tôi sau này đi chăn bò”. Hãy để cho con cháu chúng ta trước mắt phải có một nghề lương thiện và ổn định trước khi nghĩ đến những điều cao siêu...!prettyPhoto